dimanche 1 novembre 2009

Randocroquis - Thème de Novembre (1)

Travail à l'encre pour ces arbres dénudés et en contre-jour pour ce premier thème de Novembre.
I used ink to sketch these trees with no leaves left on them (for the Randocroquis November challenge).

6 commentaires:

  1. This is what it looked like here today. Beautiful drawing - those trees are perfect!

  2. Another great one!!! Seriously Martine, when I saw the picture, I was wondering(not reading at first) Hmmm.. Martine posted up a photo for us to draw this time. Only after I click the picture and took a closer look, and I was like "WOW" ^^ I love Autumn!

  3. Very nicely done, and that view, of bare tree branches against a fading evening sky has always been one of my favorites. Thanks.

  4. This is one amazing drawing. Bare trees are one of my favorites too. You really did a good job.

  5. Those trees are wonderful! So is the sky behind them.
