mardi 22 janvier 2013

Vue sur la banlieue parisienne- A view of Paris suburb

Une visite hier à ma belle-mère dans sa maison de retraite à Colombes (92).
De sa fenêtre de chambre je vois  les maisons qui se serrent les unes contre les autres tandis que la neige tombe d'un ciel gris.

Yesterday, while visiting my mother-in law in her nursing home in Colombes (near Paris). From her bedroom window I  could see the houses huddled up against the snow falling from a grey sky.

10 commentaires:

  1. Your sketch makes the cold snow look cheerful with the added color of the buildings.

  2. Very nice sketch. Like the way you did the snow too.

  3. j'aime beaucoup la neige sur les toits rouges

  4. beautifully drawn Martine! I really like the trees

  5. Oh how I wish I lived in a place that had beautiful architecture. Your rendering of your corner of the world is lovely. You've fully captured the mood, the season.
