samedi 9 février 2013

Statue de Van Gogh à Auvers Sur Oise - Van Gogh's statue in Auvers Sur Oise

USK- France - Chasse au croquis pour le 15 Février 2013 - "Sculptures Urbaines".
Aller chez le dentiste peut avoir des avantages quand le cabinet se situe à Auvers sur Oise, entre l'Auberge Ravoux (le dernier domicile de Van Gogh) et le parc où trône sa statue .
Les deux croquis ont été faits sur place ainsi que l'aquarelle posée sur celui représentant Van Gogh de face, mais j'ai "craqué" (trop froid) et ai posé les couleurs sur le second croquis à la maison .
Et maintenant je suis enrhumée !!   :o(

French USK - Sketch hunt for February 15th: "Urban Sculptures".
Going to the dentist's might be a good thing when the surgery is in Auvers sur Oise, between the Ravoux Inn (Van Gogh's last home ) and a park with his statue .
I did both sketches on location and I also managed to put some colours on the first sketch (the front view), but I was so cold, I gave up and added the colours on the second sketch at home !
And now, I've got a sore throat and running nose !!   :o(

5 commentaires:

  1. I'm sorry you have a cold now, but you did a wonderful sketch!

  2. I'm so sorry about your cold! I hope you recover quickly. You did some beautiful sketches of a most intersting statue.

  3. Great Martine, hope your cold is better!

  4. I really like the second sketch - it has a geometry about it that I really like!

  5. I love both :) how you controlled the tones and shades, great work!
